TOMAI Factory System

TOMAI Factory System

Production management and monitoring system, collecting data from machines, analyzing them on-line and presenting the results in user-friendly reports.

Dampers assembly and testing line

Dampers assembly and testing line

Lines for the production and testing of dampers occupy a high position in the company's portfolio and have seen many innovations.

Zirconium nozzles lines

Zirconium nozzles lines

Robotic lines in the technological line for the production of zirconium nozzles, a product for the foundry industry.

ELPLC S.A. will build an e-bike battery production line.

Bartlomiej Juszczyk, Piotr Jaworski, 2022.09.08, Automation and robotization

Electric bicycles are not a new invention, but only in the last years, thanks to the reduction in size and weight of the battery and motor, they are rapidly gaining popularity. The general trend of increasing bicycle traffic (e.g. approx. 30% increase in Polish cities in 2021) is part of the growing interest in electric bikes. The international organization CONEBI (Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry), commenting on the record level of over 22 million bikes sold in 2021, in 27 EU countries and the United Kingdom, pointed out that the growth was driven by the sale of over 5 million e-bikes. So it's no wonder that the demand for components and accessories is growing. Suppliers of key components, such as motors or batteries, must increase their production capacity in a market situation in which there are problems with finding employees. The solution to this situation is the automation and robotization of production.

Rower elektryczny

Competences and experience of ELPLC S.A. in the automation and robotization of production and assembly processes, it was appreciated by the client. We have signed the largest contract in the history of the company for the construction of a power tube battery production line. It will be a line with an estimated length of approx. 38 m, a high degree of automation and robotization with various assembly, welding and testing processes. Labelling and packing inluded.

Product quality is checked by testing stations. The line will be equipped with the ELPLC Smart Factory software - a production management and monitoring system that collects data from machines, analyzes them on-line and presents the results in user-friendly reports. It will enable the determination of OEE indicators and defined KPIs, as well as the analysis of the production flow and micro-stoppages. It will provide information to the UR services enabling early diagnostics of the line - Predictive Maintenance.

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