Dampers assembly line
Linie przeznaczone do produkcji i testowania amortyzatorów zajmują wysoką pozycję w portfolio firmy i doczekały się wielu innowacji.

TOMAI Factory System
Production management and monitoring system, collecting data from machines, analyzing them on-line and presenting the results in user-friendly reports.
About us
ELPLC manufactures specialized and prototype solutions in the field of automation and robotization of production processes. We specialize in the design and building of machines, complete assembly lines, automated stations, as well as software development for the industry. We offer our solutions for various industries: automotive, e-mobility, renewable energy, electronics, metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, construction, chemistry, electrical engineering and others. We provide solutions in the area of Industry 4.0 – Smart Factory and are a pioneer in the field of industrial solutions using mixed and augmented reality.
ELPLC is a team of over 200 specialists, including designers, programmers, mechatronics, automation specialists and engineers. We have our own R&D Center (official Research & Development Center status given by the Polish Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in 2021) and a modern production infrastructure.
We are one of the leading machine manufacturers for the automotive industry. Based on our own know-how, we provide advanced solutions to leading global companies producing components for the largest car manufacturers (OEM).
Solutions created by our designers, engineers and programmers automate assembly and technological lines in factories in all key segments of the automotive industry, including the USA, Mexico, China and Central and Eastern Europe.
Future Awaits
Our task is to predict the future needs of customers in the field of technologies that automate key production processes. Creating innovative solutions would not be possible without intensive research, interdisciplinary teams nor close cooperation with our clients and partners.
We are a technological pioneer in the design of advanced and precise solutions. We were the first in the world to develop a CTS damper functional tester based on iron-core electromagnetic linear drives. We are also a global supplier of a proprietary solution for the production of control and measurement systems based on a vision system used to check the geometry of condensers used in automotive cooling systems.
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is kind of revolution that changes the world of industry, not just the upcoming megatrend. Industry 4.0 is about unifying the world of machines, the virtual world of the Internet and information technology. An example of the Industry 4.0 approach is the intelligent system for tracking, monitoring and automatic diagnostics of the machine and process condition in real time, developed by ELPLC, implemented in machines.
Research & Development
In 2021, the Polish Ministry of Economic Development and Technology placed ELPLC on the list of companies (→ go to the list), who received the official status of a Research and Development Center. It confirms that we are a reliable partner providing full technical and scientific support. We have a complete range of competences in the field of automation and robotization of industry, construction of prototype lines and machines, good manufacturing practices and transformation towards Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory.
Who trusted us