Machine for gas filling and closing dampers / gas springs. Fully automated. It can be a stand-alone stand or an element of the assembly line of dampers or gas springs.
2 separate machines: 1 – filling and pre-closure 2 – final closing
Operation total time
6,8 s
> 14 s (2 steps)
Data analysis (closign force chart)
Single continuous
2 separate data sets
Control system
National Instruments (real-time)
PC card
The damper is filled with nitrogen and closed by rolling. It is assumed that the gas pressure in the damper is between 0 and 25 bar, for a typical gas spring the pressure is above 100 bar, up to a maximum of 300 bar. Pressure is applied directly to the damper in the head, and the closing process takes place under pressure.
The gas force in the damper is 20N – 500N. A HBM strain gauge with a transducer was used to measure the force caused by gas. The specially designed swivel system plays an important role here.
The aim of the station development was to reduce the cycle time, which was achieved by integrating two operations in one machine. In classic solutions, the gas filling and rolling stations are separated, and only the so-called rough rolling. The result of the development of EPICS is over 50% shorter cycle times, and thanks to the real-time system, you can conveniently analyze the process in a single graph.
Machine for gas filling and closing dampers / gas springs
Fully automatic, it can work independently or in line