Dampers assembly line
Linie przeznaczone do produkcji i testowania amortyzatorów zajmują wysoką pozycję w portfolio firmy i doczekały się wielu innowacji.

TOMAI Factory System
Production management and monitoring system, collecting data from machines, analyzing them on-line and presenting the results in user-friendly reports.
Investor relations
Information on the summons to submit share documents in the company pursuant to Art. 16 sec. 1 of the Act of August 30, 2019 amending the Act – Code of Commercial Companies and certain other acts (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1798, as amended):
- Summons 1st: DOWNLOAD (PDF)
- Summons 2nd: DOWNLOAD (PDF)
- Summons 3rd: DOWNLOAD (PDF)
- Summons 4th: DOWNLOAD (PDF)
- Summons 5th: DOWNLOAD (PDF)
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